After a long time some important updates from Entrecard.
1. Drops will count for 2 credits and no credits for the receiving blog, just for today. So credits will be given only if you drop. Quite interesting.
2. Another important change is the Ad Network is only for only Entrecard Blogs. So herein after ,only Active Entrecard Members can advertise through the ad network. This is in response to the feedback / backlash against the paid ads, during the initial run of the paid ads program.
These two changes definitely make things interesting at Entrecard. Meanwhile some of my Entrecard Market listings for advertising in this website - Market listings
1. Drops will count for 2 credits and no credits for the receiving blog, just for today. So credits will be given only if you drop. Quite interesting.
2. Another important change is the Ad Network is only for only Entrecard Blogs. So herein after ,only Active Entrecard Members can advertise through the ad network. This is in response to the feedback / backlash against the paid ads, during the initial run of the paid ads program.
These two changes definitely make things interesting at Entrecard. Meanwhile some of my Entrecard Market listings for advertising in this website - Market listings