If you find that you are so much overburdened with debt that you are having sleepless nights then you should start thinking about some Debt Help without making any delay. You can obviously get some professional Debt Help by opting for a Debt Consolidation Program or a Debt Management Program. But, on your own you can reduce the debt burden if you follow some simple and logical steps:
The first thing you need to do is to have a clear idea of your exact debt situation. Gather all of your credit card bills and loan documents and just calculate exactly how much you owe to your creditors.
Analyze your debt situation by considering your debt amount and your monthly income. Also consider your necessary monthly expenses. If you find that your debt is too big and your salary is too low for repaying the debt, you may think about some professional Debt Help. If you find that your debt is manageable if you act smart, then carry out your own Debt Help plans.
Start paying off your debts with the high interest ones. Both in case of your credit card accounts and other loan accounts, first try to repay those which carry comparatively higher rates of interest. At this time, pay the minimum required amount for the low-interest debts. Once you pay off the high interest debts, start to pay more towards repaying the low-interest debts.
Substantially reduce your credit card usage. If you really want to help yourself to come out of the debt problems, you have to ensure that you are not using your credit cards unnecessarily. If you hold multiple credit cards, cancel some. Keep a few and use them only when you need them genuinely.
Create an emergency fund. Otherwise in emergencies you will again start to use your credit cards. This will lead you to even more debt. So, if you want to get Debt Help on your own, start an emergency fund immediately.
Maintain a debt diary. At the end of every month, note down how much of debt you have paid off. This way, you will not only have a clear documentation of your debt repayment, but will also get a sense of accomplishment and that will help you to remain motivated.
N.B: This guest post is written by Sandy Thomson.
The first thing you need to do is to have a clear idea of your exact debt situation. Gather all of your credit card bills and loan documents and just calculate exactly how much you owe to your creditors.
Analyze your debt situation by considering your debt amount and your monthly income. Also consider your necessary monthly expenses. If you find that your debt is too big and your salary is too low for repaying the debt, you may think about some professional Debt Help. If you find that your debt is manageable if you act smart, then carry out your own Debt Help plans.
Start paying off your debts with the high interest ones. Both in case of your credit card accounts and other loan accounts, first try to repay those which carry comparatively higher rates of interest. At this time, pay the minimum required amount for the low-interest debts. Once you pay off the high interest debts, start to pay more towards repaying the low-interest debts.
Substantially reduce your credit card usage. If you really want to help yourself to come out of the debt problems, you have to ensure that you are not using your credit cards unnecessarily. If you hold multiple credit cards, cancel some. Keep a few and use them only when you need them genuinely.
Create an emergency fund. Otherwise in emergencies you will again start to use your credit cards. This will lead you to even more debt. So, if you want to get Debt Help on your own, start an emergency fund immediately.
Maintain a debt diary. At the end of every month, note down how much of debt you have paid off. This way, you will not only have a clear documentation of your debt repayment, but will also get a sense of accomplishment and that will help you to remain motivated.
N.B: This guest post is written by Sandy Thomson.