Securities and Exchange Board of India ( SEBI ) has launched a Sebi Complaints Redress System - SCORES, which facilitates you to lodge your complaint online with SEBI and subsequently view its status.
There will be occasions when you have a complaint against a listed company/ intermediary registered with SEBI. In the event of such complaint you should first approach the concerned company/ intermediary against whom you have a complaint. However, you may not be satisfied with their response. Therefore, you should know whom you should turn to, to get your complaint redressed.
SEBI takes up complaints related to issue and transfer of securities and non-payment of dividend with listed companies. In addition, SEBI also takes up complaints against the various intermediaries registered with it and related issues.
Which are the matters that are not considered as complaints in SCORES?
Also, SEBI has provided Tollfree Helpline for Investors.
1800 266 7575 or 1800 22 7575. (All days from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM excluding declared holidays).
There will be occasions when you have a complaint against a listed company/ intermediary registered with SEBI. In the event of such complaint you should first approach the concerned company/ intermediary against whom you have a complaint. However, you may not be satisfied with their response. Therefore, you should know whom you should turn to, to get your complaint redressed.
SEBI takes up complaints related to issue and transfer of securities and non-payment of dividend with listed companies. In addition, SEBI also takes up complaints against the various intermediaries registered with it and related issues.
Which are the matters that are not considered as complaints in SCORES?
- Complaints that are incomplete or not specific.
- Allegations without supporting documents.
- Offering suggestions or seeking guidance/explanation.
- Seeking explanation for non-trading of shares or illiquidity of shares.
- Not satisfied with trading price of the shares of the companies.
- Non-listing of shares of private offer Disputes arising out of private agreement with companies/intermediaries.
Also, SEBI has provided Tollfree Helpline for Investors.
1800 266 7575 or 1800 22 7575. (All days from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM excluding declared holidays).
Nice investor initiatives from SEBI and investors can make use of this helpline and redressal system.